Saturday, May 1, 2010

Edit Challenge

A friend sent me some special photos and I wanted to see how I could enhance them in PSE.  I have some more playing to do, but here is my initial attempt.


Edit steps - did hue/saturation adjust, upping master (+10), yellow(+10), green(+10), blue(+15) and cyan(+15), then curves adjustment although I forget what my final version was, I think I adjusted midtone contrast and upped shadows a little for a more moody effect.  Then finished off with noise reduction filter and unsharp mask.  The before and after isn't very dramatic, but it does make the sunset pop a little I think.



Edit steps - did hue/saturation adjust, upping master (+15), yellow(+10), green(+10), blue(+15) and cyan(+15), then curves adjustment.  Also used the straighten tool to straighten the horizon just a tad. Then like above, finished off with noise reduction filter and unsharp mask.  The before and after is a little more dramatic than the first 

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I like them. I have to play with them a little more for my try. Was the noise killing you?? It was bothering me, but that's what you get with my old crappy camera!
