Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sisterly Love

My sister asked if I would do a photo shoot so she had something to give my Mom for Mother's Day. I have been trying to get her to "model" for me for a while, so it was win-win.  The photos turned out great, she was happy with them, my Mom loved them, and of course I was quite happy with them as well.  What a huge difference it makes to have a subject that listens, holds still, LOOKS at the camera, and that I don't have to bribe with M&Ms and goldfish!  I have so many amazing shots that I can't possibly post them all here but here are a few of my favorites.  I might post some editing steps & before/afters later this week, or try to do some funky edits and see how they look!

All taken with Canon 20D, Canon 35mm f2 at varying settings, mostly ~f3.5ish (at times as low as 2.8 and as high as 5.6) and varying SS since the light was constantly changing with the sun in and out of the clouds, and ISO 100.  

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